Enough is Enough-Safer Internet

Enough is Enough is determined to make the internet safer for children and families! The non-profit 501 (C) (3) organization began in 1994 to reduce the exploitation of children on the internet. Therefore, here is critical information that absolutely everyone needs! Consequently, you must be aware of how dangerous things have become for our kids. However, they need to use it but they must be safe.WEBSITE

Enough is Enough- Their Vision

sexting is dangerous;  safer internet information for families. 
Enough is Enough.

Therefore, the vision is make the population more aware of the dangers on the internet and how easily those dangers are for children to innocently access. Moreover, kids are the target, so we must be diligent as to what they are watching. Incidentally, the prime dangers are pornography, sexual predators and traffickers. By the way, sexting is a real danger now. Moreover, it can ruin someone’s life with one click! In addition, some new danger appears on a regular basis and evil becomes more blatant daily. EIE also fights to maintain fairness, equality and respect for human dignity. Subsequently, this can be accomplished only by the public working with law enforcement and everyone using the technology we have available. Keeping danger at bay is something for all of us to be doing.

Enough is Enough stands for the freedom of speech as defined by our Constitution. Therefore, everyone is valued and respected! Moreover, children deserve a period of innocence and we are the folks to make sure they have it. The hope lies is awareness and paying attention! Keep in mind that predators have easy and anonymous access to your children!

Safer Internet

Prince William is against bullying; in person and on the internet
Enough is Enough

To gain a safer internet, there are three parts to the solution: 1. Educate the public about the dangers, 2. Encourage the technology industry to develop more family-friendly systems, and 3. Advocate for aggressive law enforcement and new policies that will stop the exploitation of children. Obviously, it means a lot of co-operation! By the way, I have to believe it is possible!

Safer Internet – Internet Safety 101

Enough is Enough has developed an online multi-media curriculum that includes a website, (www.internetsafety101.org) a workbook and a DVD teaching series. They offer other resources to educate and empower parents and educators and other caring people. Incidentally, we all need this! We all know someone who needs wisdom and protection! WEBSITE

Brainfood Academy

Here is a good spot to insert a little information about our new Brainfood Academy Our private online education program will be opening August 28, 2023. We are still selecting the best teachers. Incidentally, we have an incredible curriculum for grades K-12.None of the bullying because the kids are taught at home. No strange indoctrination either! Classes are on Zoom and recorded for future use on YouTube. Enrollment will begin very soon. Please help spread the word of this new and safe form of preparing our kids for promising futures. BRAINFOOD ACADEMY

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Missing children fight against the exploitation of kids!
Enough is Enough

In conclusion, this is such important information. Incidentally, I hope you will share it with everyone you know. We can all do a little; everything counts. Let’s change those numbers! I’m glad you found my page; please look at some of my other pages. Also, if you have questions about this item or any of the others we feature, please do not hesitate to CONTACT ME. Go Exploring With The Essential Cat Lady again. #TheEssentialCatLady #CatSafety #ChildSafety #Brainfood