Education and Career Development have both declined in the past several decades. Moreover, many schools are not preparing students for life! The old standby studies of science, math, english and history may not be included in curriculums. In some cases, they have been “watered down!” Time that should be used educating our kids is now wasted on dangerous “woke”indoctrination!

Cat as Albert Einstein at 
Education & Career Development

This trend is hurting everyone! Consequently, many students are disappointed in the education they have received! The school failed to provide the education they want and deserve! They are ill-prepared to join the workforce. Moreover, today it can be dangerous to attend the public school. Many parents are not comfortable dropping their children off for the day; and I don’t blame them! Some teachers are offering too many questionable ideas. This can include things that cause permanent damage to children. Incidentally, if I had school-age children, I’d be using online schooling! By the way, with this program, you can either have our teachers work with our curriculum or you can teach your children using the same curriculum. Our leaders have thought this out very carefully. Parents again have choices regarding their children’s education.

Brainfood: An awesome education is the best “food” for your child’s brain. Prepare your student for a great future with the basics and truth. No indoctrination! Provide a safe environment right at home with teachers you choose! READ MORE

Brainfood Academy School starts August 28! However, we expect new students to be coming in all year long. Study at home on a Zoom class; be comfortable and safe. Expert faculty who work with both parents and students to give your kids the best education for a promising future! Parents can open an account here and see our platform! GO TO PAGE

Online Private School Education: We are now offering an OnlIne Private Charter Education Program. It is available in all fifty states and has the best curriculum available anywhere! In addition, we are finding the best teachers for you. We will be looking for more teachers and more students. Moreover, the cost is surprisingly affordable; funding is available in every state. By the way, school starts in soon! DETAILS

couple working on computer
Education & Career Development

PBS Performance Blogging System: This is the system you are using right now. This is a world-wide online marketing program. Once you sign up, you have a training system all set up to train you. You can work part-time or you can develop your own business and full-time career. Keep in mind, that online shopping is the future; and it’s already been here a while! This program is so convenient. It’s truly remarkable and could easily be perfect for you!. If you are a senior, such as myself, you must see this! See details on getting started here:

School Supplies-It’s That Time It’s time to go shopping for the right notebook and paper for your kids. Check those lists and figure out what you need. Clothes still fit?probably not. And that special outfit so your daughter’s friends will drool! Check out our Savings Club too. Get discounts and coupons for the stores where you already shop! PUT TOGETHER A PLAN

Teachers – Get Paid What You’re Worth This online system is new! By the way, it’s only happening at our online platform, the Brainfood Academy. See what all is new. basically, a better education! READ MORE

Our programs in Education and Career Development contain the latest training available. Moreover, your child will graduate ready for further education or a career. Not every young person can or wants to go to college; there are many ways to go directly into a productive career. The goal here is to prepare these kids to be valuable members of society; the kind that make a difference for everyone. These students will be the leaders of the future, regardless of their choice of careers.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Please register for updates because we have more fascinating things coming in the near future. If you are not looking for this information for yourself, you definitely know someone who is! Please share this to help all of society. #TheEssentialCatLady #CatSafety #ChildSafety #Brainfood