Donating Your Body

Donating Your Body: first of all, I do not intend for this to be morbid. Death is a fact of life and we are smart to make some plans when we are able. Incidentally, God has not promised tomorrow to any of us. By the way, we will all leave behind our bodies. Therefore, this is a discussion of some options most people don’t think of. Moreover, many folks are curious about body donation.

Donating Your Body; Common Alternatives

Entrance to Maple Grove Cemetery
Donating Your Body

Most people arrange for burial in a nearby cemetery. For years, everyone purchased plots for their family. Incidentally, my grandfather purchased a bunch of plots. I have a plot over a thousand miles away. Moreover, we are talking about the early 1900s! Lots of space back then! Pretty fascinating, I think. Maple Grove Cemetery is a beautiful place in southern Michigan.

However, I haven’t been there since 1982. It had already deteriorated a lot since I was a kid in the 1950s. Cemeteries require a lot of care and often the family cares for their plots. At least, that’s how it was years ago. Eventually, the family is no longer able to do the work. Besides Maple Grove, I have grandparents buried in central Illinois. I feel bad that I’ve never been able to get back there since my Grandma died in 1957. I have to remind myself that all that is really in those graves now is their remains.

Lilac bushes
Donating Your Body

Personally, I find it sad that a cemetery can go downhill. Maple Grove had the most beautiful French Lilacs around a fascinating Mausoleum. They tore down the beautiful old Mausoleum; it was in disrepair when I was a kid but it was certainly an interesting item to me. I recall asking lots of questions. Questions like, “Why is that better?” That’s pretty difficult for a little kid to understand. However, the Lilacs always distracted me; I could just bury my face in them and renew my soul! I remember the old hand pump that we could use to water plants. Sometimes, we had to prime the old pump with water from home. Incidentally, I doubt if many folks know what I’m talking about. Memories should be passed down. Hence, I write.

Cremation is Another Possibility

Cremation is another popular option. Cemeteries are getting full so cremation makes a lot of sense. Moreover, you have choices as to what to do with the ashes; keep them close to you in a beautiful urn or box; or distribute them in a special spot. Someplace with a lot of loving memories.

Donating Your Body; Really!

Richard Chamberlain - Dr. Kildare
Donating Your Body

We learned a little about body donation from our heroes, “Dr. Kildare” and “Ben Casey!” (Incidentally, I had huge crushes on both of them! And I’m not alone!) Consequently, we knew that medical students had to have bodies to learn with. You don’t want to be the first person your doctor cuts on! Even when I was growing up, I’d occasionally hear of someone donating his body to medical science and it made sense to me. I wanted to be a doctor but it was still hard to wrap my head around the idea of dissecting someone. Bodies may or may not be preserved the same way now. I remember how much I hated Formaldehyde! By the way, if you don’t know who “”Dr. Kildare”” and “Ben Casey”
were, google them. They were terribly handsome and probably caused some growth in the medical profession!

For more information on donating your body to medical science, contact the nearest Medical School. One of your doctors probably has information. There will be forms to fill out whenever you make a decision to do this. Moreover, discuss it thoroughly with your family. Make sure no one is truly opposed. Consequently, you will feel better if you know your loved ones are onboard with this. Knowing that you are helping to train our future doctors should give you a great sense of pride. So this plan is definitely worthy of your consideration.

Donating Your Body – My Choice

Incidentally, there is another option for donating your body. About ten years ago, I decided to”help fight crime” even after I am gone! I have been the victim of crime so many times and I’ve hated it. Usually, the crime was not solved. However, in some cases I know who robbed me. Like many other people, I’ve been hacked several times; we have few chances to actually fight back. I’ve always wanted to fight back.

However, I’ve occasionally helped the police to arrest the bad guys! That always made me feel a little stronger. However, over the years I know I didn’t put much of a dent in the criminal element/activities around here! Moreover, I have not forgotten the folks who took things or cheated me, even as a little girl. Consequently, I could mention names, but many people were complete strangers. I learned not to trust people after a few times.

Plans to Donate

Therefore, I signed up with the Forensic Anthropology Research Facility in San Marcos, Texas. It’s a part of Texas State University. As expected, there was a lot of paperwork to be filled out, signed and witnessed. I’ve stayed in touch with one of the doctor/professors. They had my medical history of surgeries, etc. from day one. However, I recently sent him the information on my cataract surgery so he even has the numbers of my IOL lenses. If I have dental work, I let them know.

Incidentally, I had a short email from the doctor thanking me for the update. I had told him that “I’m still kicking!” By the way, it is a weird conversation because I couldn’t say, “Hope to see you soon!” However, I will die at some point; it’s a fact. We all will die. Therefore, we might as well face it head-on and figure out what to do.

Donating your body

Years ago, I signed up as an organ donor at University Hospital. So, upon my demise, they will harvest whatever is useful and then I’ll be taken to San Marcus. If you were ever a fan of “Quincy, M.E” or “Bones,” you have seen why this work is so important. The students there can study my body as it decays and learn to put a timeline on certain changes. That will help police agencies to determine time of death, as well as the cause. Families will be suffering because of the horrible death of a loved one. Hopefully, what they can learn from my old worn-out remains will help give those grieving folks some closure. It could help put some of their worst fears to rest. All because investigators know what they’re doing. And I helped! In a way, I won’t be retired even after I die!

In Conclusion

If you want to see the facility I’ve chosen, here’s a link. Texas State University You can get an idea of how these operations work. Your state will have facilities connected with its colleges too. Incidentally, I am required to live within a 200 mile radius of the school to get free transportation. Therefore, make sure you are a reasonable distance from the place you choose. Otherwise, your family could have an unexpected expense.

Again, be sure to discuss this option thoroughly with your family. Some folks will find this idea completely repulsive. Talk it over lovingly so they can understand your reasoning. I’m by myself so I didn’t have to consider anyone else in my decision. Consequently, that made it easier for me. I can certainly imagine a few other interesting scenarios! I think I will have gotten “my money’s worth” out of this body! Moreover, I will finally be fighting back!

One more thing, if you have questions, please feel free to Contact Me. Thanks for stopping by and please sign up for updates. Thanks. #TheEssentialCatLady #CatSafety #ChildSafety #Brainfood