Where’s The Beef?

Where's the Beef?

Where’s the Beef? Do you recall that advertisement? I grew up on a farm in southern Michigan so always knew where the beef was! The barnyard or pasture! My dad was way ahead of his time back in the 50s. All the neighbors were into DDT insecticide and nasty fertilizers for their crops. Incidentally, we were doing organic before anyone was talking about it. By the way, if you can’t find the beef, I have an amazing source for you. Grass fed and nutrient-dense! RIGHT HERE Healthy beef that is actually worth eating!

Where’s the Beef in the 1950-1965?

We didn’t have a lot of cattle; just enough to raise our own meat. Therefore, some of the time we had fresh milk too. There were also couple of pigs and chickens. I even had two pet raccoons named Earl and Benina. My brother had a goat named Oliver, who turned mean after Phil, at the age of four tried to grease him with dad’s grease-gun! I named all my favorite animals. Some of them liked to be petted too. Unfortunately, I knew the fate that awaited them. I was never around during butchering but I knew who was missing from the herd that evening! However, that meat was fantastic! So much better than what they sold in the grocery store; even back then.

What Cattle Eat Makes a Difference!

We grew our own hay for the cattle. I helped a lot with haying after it was cut and raked into winrows. I drove the John Deere tractor and my dad operated the hay-loader to pile the hay onto the wagon. Then, I often had the challenge of trying to back the wagon of hay into the barn! My dad did a horrible amount of cursing and I did a horrible amount of crying! It was difficult, to say the least; I was just a little kid. Incidentally, I’d been put on that tractor at the age of four! At first, just to steer it. However, I was soon running it by myself!

Our cows and animals had plenty of corn too. We raised wheat, oats, corn, soybeans, buckwheat, the hay, and we always had a huge garden. Nothing got any insecticides or fertilizers. My dad always left a field to rest a year too; so it could build up nutrients. He’d plow in some cover crop to help that. He rotated the crops. By the way, the buckwheat was for the bees we kept.

When the Beef Thinks the Grass is Greener on the Other Side!

Occasionally, the cows would manage to get out of the barnyard! That usually meant getting our neighbor, Raymond, from down the road to help get them back in. Incidentally, when I was really little, I’d get scared and run back into our big farmhouse, dash up the stairs and lock myself in the upstairs bathroom. From there, I could watch all the excitement from the window! Consequently, we generally knew where the beef always was! I have to admit, it was hilarious when one of the cows actually wandered down the road! However, we always got them home. By the way, none of them ever came into the house; I just knew they could climb stairs!

Where's the Beef?

So Where’s the Beef These Days? It’s Back!

So, for years, that organic, grass-fed beef that I grew upon disappeared. You know what I’m talking about. We know that animals for meat are given antibiotics and the meat is injected with water and whatever to make the meat heavier and to help it last longer while packaged. Usually, we don’t know exactly what we are eating; fillers and chemicals. These end up in our digestive system! Big Ag will tell you that their cattle are range fed. However, nearly all cattle are living in crowded feedlots.

They have no grass; they are generally stomping around in cow manure. By the way, the FDA set a certain standard of how much manure is allowed in the meat/dairy products! Folks, we can’t escape it anymore! This gives a whole new meaning to the adage, “You are what you eat!” The more anything is processed, the greater the chance of waste materials hiding in our food. A garden of your own is priceless!

Now for the Answer!

Where's the Beef?

Ok, that’s enough gory details for today. You want to know where you can get delicious grass-fed meat that has nutritional value. That beef is out roaming around on over 120,000 acres in Wyoming. Those cattle can go where they like. The ranchers move the herd from one area to another, depending on the season. You know they are eating the finest and greenest grass. Incidentally, those cattle are living their best life. Personally, if I were a cow, that’s where I’d want to be! Just sayin! It sounds so idyllic!

The soil is rich, so the grass is rich. Therefore, the cattle get all those nutrients. In return, the cattle fertilize the soil. It’s all a beautiful, natural cycle! If those cattle eat like that from 3-4 years, that meat will be flavorful. If you eat that nutrient-dense meat, you get all the food value and the great taste! SEE THEIR WEBSITE That difference explains why so much of the store-bought meat tastes like hay! In addition, you will be getting nutrients you’ve been missing. Consequently, that can make a huge difference in your health.

Taste the Difference for Yourself! Order Now

Incidentally, they butcher, package and shipped carefully (flash-frozen) right to your home! It never sets in a display case with everyone picking it up and handling it! Most of us have been amongst those who shop like that. However, we don’t have to do that anymore! This meat makes a great gift too. in addition, they have gift cards for you. You should be hungry now!

Where’s the Beef? Now YOU Know! WEBSITE

Please do not hesitate to CONTACT ME if you have further questions.

Where's the Beef?

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