Savings and More for You

Savings and More for You can begin today! Money is tight for most of us; we need those amazing prices on daily expenses now more than ever! Moreover, we know our economy is a disaster at the moment; saving money would be such a blessing! What if I can show you the secret? Basically, there is power in numbers! These folks have negotiated the best prices by marketing to millions of people at once.

Savings and More each month on your normal expenses with this great membership – you can start for FREE.

Here is the program that can do this magic. First, you need to watch this video and see where you can save money. However, it depends on your lifestyle as to what membership level will work best for you. Then you will want to tell all your friends about this. Incidentally, sharing this program could bring you extra savings and more income. Here’s their video.

Savings and More for You; let’s go through the steps. It’s easy to sign up.

A: The GOLD LEVEL is $20 a month! Most folks save a lot on just their car and homeowners insurance! but there’s lots more. If you decide to join, it could take 10 minutes to 24 hours, depending on how busy they are. However, this is a global business so there are people joining from all over the world! Therefore, you could have a bit of a wait. B: Please just be patient and look over the program a little more.

C: Now you are ready to access your membership and start saving money! Now you know what everyone else wishes they knew! A special secret! However, go ahead and spread the word!

Savings and More for You! Where? GO HERE

cat driving 
Savings and More

Car or Home/Rental Insurance. This topic always get attention because you might be “paying through the nose,” and not even know it! Check this out because most people are able to save hundreds a month. I hope this answers some prayers for you! Just don’t give your keys to the cat!

Eat Play Shop Travel. This is awesome if you travel! You can potentially save on air fare, car rental, hotels and vacations. Incidentally, take a peek at the places you can go! Make some fun plans while you’re able! In addition, get special discounts on entertainment and activities.

Shopping Discounts on Brands you Know and Love! This alone might be worth the Gold Membership!  If you are like me, you assume everything is overpriced! I go shopping with the idea that “it has to be on sale, or I wait.” Just imagine being able to purchase what you need when you actually need it! Saving money always puts a smile on my face!

More Savings for You

Credit Repair SoftwareThis is amazing for these days. So many of us have had our credit messed up over the last several years. For me, it was a broken kneecap and then a very serious case of Covid 19; the frosting on the cake was emergency back surgery. We cannot predict stuff like that. However, I know I’m blessed to be alive and kicking! By the way, this software offers us some tremendous hope! Awesome.

Lower Your Business Bills: If you have a business, you want to cut costs wherever you can safely do so. there is always something you can do; I have a small cat-sitting business and I began with those fancy two-part carbonless forms for my notes! They soon dried out so I’ve gone back to regular paper and the good old standby of carbon paper. I hope you can cut some of your expenses and see more profit!

Affordable Pet Insurance: Save money at the vet or specialist. Numerous discounts on other pet products you need; like flea and tick protection. SEE PAGE

You should easily be able to get back your $20 monthly fee, just using the above resources. But, keep looking!

D: You can make monthly income

Vintage Cat Family
Savings and More

You will get your own personal LInk, once you are setup. If you give that to your friends and family and they join, you will get a commission. By the way, that will either pay your Gold membership or allow you to upgrade to the Platinum or Titanium level. This can change some lives! See what additional benefits are available in those levels! How could that change things for your family?

E. High Levels Offer Even More Benefits

Incidentally, if you need an option for health insurance, look here. Moreover, if you travel more than most people, you will need the Titanium level. Again, it all depends on your lifestyle and your bucket list! By the way, there is more to this; I am an internet marketer. I write posts about lots of different things and promote them to people like you. If you are curious about this, check out this: LINK See what I’m doing!

In conclusion, thank you for visiting here! Please register for my updates. Incidentally, if you have questions about any of these products, please do not hesitate to CONTACT ME. #TheEssentialCatLady #CatSafety #ChildSafety #Brainfood