BlockChain Innovation: They are part of our lives now. Meanwhile, while you may not be familiar (yet) with the BlockChain, we are adding amazing programs, services and products that are moving into the future of BlockChain. Incidentally, we will be seeing more of this. By the way, we owe it to ourselves to become familiar with how it works or we could end up at the grocery store with no way to pay! Incidentally, there will be a learning curve but we can do it! In the meantime, get ready; you will need to buy groceries, right? Moreover, you do not want to be the person in the check-out line who is holding up business!


Blockchain Innovation

Cryptocurrency Mining: You can jump in and become a cryptocurrency miner.  Moreover, you can learn about mining for BTC, ETH, or any of the other cryptocurrencies.  Or you can join our mining community; set up your computer to work overnight for you and earn bitcoin! While you are hard at work sleeping! Doesn’t even seem possible, does it? Start earning

Digital art for a NFT What are NFTs?

Blockchain Innovation

What Are NFTs? In a couple words-Non-Fungible Tokens! They are not interchangeable; other tokens can be exchanged and are connected to a lot of art products and music. SEE PAGE PS: Totally unrelated to FUNGUS! By the way, I’m hearing that term come up in financial discussions these days. Incidentally, it is always nice to know what folks are talking about!

By the way, are you are curious about the use of NFT’s in the Art world? Right now, that’s one of the best places to see them in use. Incidentally, this site explains how they are used in art, music, etc. What is NFT Art? It’s fascinating stuff!

Incidentally, for more information on this, keep up to date as we add to this Category Page.  Consequently, these updates and new related services are not only going to make things in life easier/better; but can provide a way to make income as you invest. Therefore, check here periodically.

Complicated stuff, Eh? In the meantime, we all need to learn these new systems. Incidentally, they are already part of our economy. Therefore, just take it one day at a time.

In conclusion, I’m glad you stopped by my website; I hope our information helps prepare you for the future. By the way, please register for updates. Meanwhile, there’s lots more to follow. Thanks. In addition, if you think of any other questions, please do not hesitate to CONTACT ME. #TheEssentialCatLady #CatSafety #ChildSafety #Brainfood