Cats and Halloween

Cats and Halloween don’t necessarily go together very well! As a professional cat-sitter, I’ve learned that just my purple rain hat can frighten cats. Cats don’t like any kind of change so if you look different, they can be alarmed. You can imagine what mayhem Halloween costumes might cause! Moreover, take into consideration that every cat is different, so prepare accordingly.

Cats and Halloween: Plan Things Around Your Cat(s)

Cats and Halloween

If your cat hides from your friends, you’ll want to have a safe and quiet hideaway. Incidentally, you need a place where the frightened cat cannot escape out the door when you open it. If your cat is nervous, play some music or talk radio softly to muffle outside noise. Feliway Comfort Zone really works well to keep cats calm. It comes in a spray and a diffuser. By the way, the best prices are online. Make sure, your cat has access to water, food and the litter box. If you have “Trick or Treaters,” you cat probably would rather not see them. Costumes turn everyone into a stranger. I remember not being able to recognize some kids myself. In addition, keep candy out of their reach! Moreover, all of this applies to dogs; especially chocolate!

Cats and Halloween: Live and Learn

Rosemary dressed at cat Halloween 1989. 
Cats and Halloween

Experience is a great teacher! Years ago,I was working at a wonderful animal hospital and the veterinarian said we could dress up for Halloween, if we wanted! Therefore, I got busy and sewed up a Siamese cat suit; tail and all! I tried to make my face resemble my Siamese mix cat. The vet had a cat he had raised who lived in his office – Frankie. He was a little shy, as I recall. However, he definitely was easily frightened. Consequently, our office manager decided that Frankie should see the six-foot cat. (I was taller back then!) She was wearing a very nice outfit and when she came around the corner carrying Frankie, he took one look at me and peed all over her outfit! Frankie immediately ran back to the office where he felt safe! Now you know about Cats and Halloween!

Cats and Halloween: Keep Cats Inside

Cats are much safer inside during this season. Especially black cats. They can be targeted for harm by some folks. Adoption agencies won’t even adopt black cats out during the entire month of October. You know your neighborhood so decide what dangers might be there and plan accordingly. Frightened animals run away! Just be safe! You can still have lots of fun.

What If . . . .?

In conclusion, I hope you don’t need this information! Cats can easily find candy and things they shouldn’t have. All you have to do is blink! Although we love them desperately, they can be sneaky delinquents! Therefore, here is the link to ASPCA POISON HOTLINE

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cat at computer

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