Teachers – Get Paid What You’re Worth! As you know, it hasn’t happened before; the administrators have been taking home the big bucks, while not caring what goes on in the school building, in some cases. School systems have neglected genuine learning. Teachers, you are the ones who have been using your own money to get supplies for your classroom. Incidentally, we all know that is wrong! Consequently, Brainfood Academy will let you feel appreciated!
Our Teachers Get Paid What You’re Worth
Yes, you read that right! Moreover, the favorite teachers could earn upwards to a thousand dollars in a day. Brainfood Academy will pay our teachers all year; no going without pay all summer. Incidentally, pay is based on student attendance. Brainfood Academy pays the teacher for each student present in her classroom! Attendance determines how much the teachers are paid. Incidentally, this is a totally new concept! In addition, when students are unable to attend a”live” class, they can go to the library and watch a recording of that class. That counts as attendance for the student, if done within the allowed window of time. In addition, we pay the teacher! If the student has not been able to attend the Zoom class, watching the recorded class on YouTube video counts too towards attendance. Therefore, this program fixes our broken educational system!
We are Looking for Skilled Teachers! Get Paid what You’re Worth
We are enrolling students from all over. The current Education System has neglected so many children around the world! We need a worldwide solution! Moreover, this system corrects those problems and offers a great education to kids all over the world. So many would-be students didn’t have any education available to them; this is a game-changer for those children! Brainfood Academy could be the “great equalizer” for the next generations! Teachers: you can upload your resume right here! RESUME Be sure to put that you were referred by Rosemary Rambow. Thank you.
Brainfood Academy is Amazingly Structured!
First of all, professional educators have structured this online education platform very carefully. There’s been lots of research and care. Entrepreneurs and educational experts have developed this system. In addition, we have folks with common sense, logic and who just know how things ought to work. Moreover, we have business leaders helping because education is definitely a business these days. Consequently, we really appreciate their wisdom! This development of this platform has been nothing short of incredible. Incidentally, we are terribly proud of the Brainfood Academy! By the way, the “Golden Rule” comes into play here. Therefore, here’s something for all of us to consider, “How do WE want to be treated?”
Take a Look at The Brainfood Academy! Our Teachers Get Paid!
To get a good look at this Program, Go here and set up Parent Account . By the way, there is NO COST! See the amazing curriculum and meet the teachers on their YouTube videos!. In Addition; please attend our Wednesday night “Open House!” I’m in Central Time (San Antonio, TX), so I go on to Zoom at 7:30 P.M. Therefore, adjust your start time accordingly. The Passcode is: 267 159 642. That is where you can keep up-dated on things. Incidentally, that’s every week.
Benefits of “Direct To Your Home” Education
- The first things that comes to mind is being safe at home or wherever you choose to have your class. You just need access to the internet and a quiet environment.
- Parents and students have 24/7 access to the recorded classes. Incidentally, you do have to actually be present in “live classes” some of the time. Teachers no longer need to take attendance. The system does attendance itself!
- Students and parents can chose the teachers they like best and the classes that will fit their schedules.
- By the way, adult education will be available in the near future. Stay tuned, as they say!
- You will have weekly access calls so you, as the parent, always understands what is going on. Moreover, this is the opportunity for you to ask questions. Develop a relationship with the teachers. We all understand that concept has been missing for sometime. This will be in your Parent Account
Direct to Home
Therefore, this is how the Brainfood Academy operates. “DIRECT TO THE HOME”. Incidentally, this is what we have needed for a long time; it’s ready now. And with Brainfood Academy, important changes can begin today. Our future depends on this! Moreover, future world leaders could be coming from these ranks!
In conclusion, thank you for stopping by for a visit. I hope this page has been helpful. Please take a minute to fill out the brief registration form so you get up-dates. Incidentally, check out some of our other offers while you’re here. In case you are shopping for anything, (and who isn’t?) By the way, our Savings Club will help you out in many ways! Moreover, if you need information regarding your pets, especially cats, see my pages in Pets and Their Needs. Thank you. By the way, if you have questions about this or anything else we feature, please do not hesitate to CONTACT ME. #TheEssentialCatLady #CatSafety #ChildSafety #Brainfood