PBS: What in the world is PBS? First or all, it has absolutely nothing to do with Peanut Butter! It is a well known blogging system for online marketing. It was developed by Rory and Tanya Ricord in 2008. All its parts work together and anyone can learn to use it! Incidentally, that includes you! READ ABOUT iT

Marketing is Freedom!

Marketing is Freedom

Rory Ricord has written a book that explains the system and tells of his path as he and Tanya put it all together. Consequently, he is constantly tweaking things to make it easier for the rest of us to operate and earn more money. Moreover, he’s recently removed some of what he calls friction points.” Those are the spots where some of us get bogged down. Sometimes, we don’t want to talk to people on the phone and now we don’t need to. We have enough people who do enjoy that. The system is more customized. Therefore, there is no reason to say, “Oh, I can’t do that!”

PBS-Performance Blogging System

Incidentally, companies contact us these days – wanting us to advertise their products. That’s what we do! We gather information about the items and write posts or blogs. We explain the product and then advertise them online. Consequently, people get to our websites and look around. Therefore, they are able to see all the goods and services we advertise. By the way, Rory carefully vets everything before it ever gets to us. As a result, you won’t see it either unless it is worthy of your time and consideration!

PBS – Who’s it For?

If you are a shopper, (and who isn’t?) online is where you want to be these days. So convenient! No running all over looking for things! Shop from the comfort of home and have your parcels sitting at your front door in a day or two. More and more people are using it. Consequently, we need more and more marketers! There’s a spot at our table for you!

couple working on computer

Consequently, working online is for anyone who needs to make a little more income. Or a lot. People who are tired of the daily grind of a JOB are doing this more and more. Blogging has allowed them to quit those jobs and work leisurely from home. It’s perfect for moms or dads who need to stay home with young children. Moreover, PBS may be the solution for seniors; online marketing might be the only way to keep a roof over your head! Incidentally, take my word for it: By the way, Social Security won’t pay your bills!

By the way, many of our marketers are seniors; I’m one of them. I have a small cat-sitting business but it goes up and down with the changes of seasons, as you might expect. In addition to that, I enjoy writing and this gives me a platform for my other interests, as well. Therefore, I’m having fun with this! Please give this some serious thought! MORE DETAILS

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cat reading at a desk

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