Grit is the path to success! Stopping when things get tough will get you nowhere! Incidentally, I’m not talking about gravel that gets in your shoes and hurts or the wonderful magazine by that name that’s been around since 1882! However, the magazine is definitely worth checking out. SEE MAGAZINE!
Writing seems to make me nostalgic! At my age, I have so many memories. Incidentally, I enjoy most of them. I hope reading my pages brings you memories too.
Grit: The Path to Success
Grit is that internal energy that motivates us to keep going. It’s driven by passion and perseverance. We must believe in what we’re doing and have a reason to persevere. Oftentimes, that means just getting out of bed in the morning! Sometimes, it means that my cats want breakfast; that’s reason enough to get myself in gear. By the way, if I don’t get up with the alarm clock, one of my cats might get on my chest and remind me of my responsibilities.
Therefore, getting up in the morning requires grit for some of us! Actually, only about a teaspoon though! However, getting out of bed can be more important than we think! However, somewhere in your life you will find occasions that require tons! Incidentally, it’s ok to take a break when necessary; use some of your grit to get going again. Therefore, be sure you have extra grit on hand!
Grit: the Magazine
Since I brought the subject up, I’d better tell you more about “Grit!” Years ago, when I lived in Cheboygan, Michigan, I subscribed to “Grit.” There was a young man with a bicycle who delivered it. That was back in the 70s. “Grit” was first published in 1882. Moreover, it contained a lot of interesting stuff; recipes, stories, inspirational articles, patterns, and puzzles. One thing I remember especially well because it was in my Grandma’s paper when I was a very little girl, was the “Wishing Well!’ I loved the paper and my old scrapbook has a lot of items I cut out to keep. By the way, “Grit” still has 150,000 subscribers! Happier news in there! Incidentally, if you click on that picture, you will be taken to the GRIT subscribe page!
Grit in Your Shoes?
This is not the kind of grit you want! I guess we all know what this fells like! Since, we can wear sandals all year here in Texas, grit can happen any time. It’s one of our more simple problems to solve, fortunately. Shake out your shoe! Incidentally, over the years, you will find there are many things we need to “shake out,” perhaps out of our thoughts! After we do, we can usually keep going. You can’t just stop out in the middle of a forty-acre corn field or pasture! Not if you don’t want to deal with the 1200 pound Longhorn who is eying you! Your grit will get you to safety, in this case.
This is a new book by Angela Duckworth. Dr. Duckworth is an associate professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania. She has appeared on the TED talks. Angela grew up with a scientist father who lovingly said she was no genius! Duckworth spent her teen years breaking every barrier and to prove him wrong. Grit can be learned! She proved that “success may not be inborn talent but a special blend of resilience and single-mindedness.” Her book is available on Amazon and sounds like a great read.
Grit: The Path to Success
To use the grit you have, you need to know where you’re going! We’re not talking about just running around with no destination in mind. We can keep busy but not really accomplish anything! Therefore, develop a goal that is reasonable and within your reach. Make sure you are passionate about it or you won’t feel like giving it your all. Find a mentor if necessary. Finally, get to work! Your grit is priceless, so do not waste it on things that are not important! By the way, we can usually find people with tons of grit right in our family; my grandma was the most gritty person I’ve ever known! She influenced me more than nearly anyone else!
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