Cats and Holidays! Not always the most pleasant combination! However, you can begin early by including their needs and what will keep them happy as you start your plans. It’s important that your pets stay safe and happy throughout all the holidays. Planning ahead is the answer! Keep in mind that they are family! Any change in their routine is worrisome to most of them. They may “act out” in various ways to make sure they get their usual amount of attention. Just do it! Besides, they will help you get through the season!
Cats and Holidays! Keep Calm!
Let’s begin with packages! Your feline family will want to investigate everything; especially all those boxes. Depending on what is inside, put them out of range. Empty boxes are welcome; you can ask any cat! However, when you are wrapping gifts, keep the cats out; paper, ribbons and bows can all be problematic. In addition, you’d rather those gifts weren’t opened early! Put packages away where everyone will be safe. Wrapping paper usually contains food coloring. Red is especially bad.
Second, let’s attack baking/cooking! Here, it’s just a matter of keeping some of the ingredients away from your cats. No chocolate for those furry creatures! Nothing that contains caffeine or alcohol is allowed, as they can cause organ damage! Cloves and Allspice can cause liver damage. When you make main dishes that require Garlic, Onions or Chives, keep the cats away; those can cause severe anemia in cats. Grapes, Raisins, and Currants can cause kidney failure. Moreover, Cayenne pepper can be irritating if cats get it on their paws and then transfer some to their faces.
If your cats hangout with guests, please instruct your guests about what not to give them. Perhaps some cat treats like Temptations would keep everyone happy. Those work around here! In addition, I’ve included a picture of toxic foods, in case some of them are on your menu. The number for ASPCA POISON CONTROL IS: 888-426-4435. I hope and pray you never need it!
Incidentally, something you might never think of is leaving food on the table after eating. It often happens following a large meal with company. If we had animals in the house years ago, I’m sure someone would have started exploring leftovers before folks began putting things away! Stunts like that are all over Facebook!
Cats and Holidays – Those Trees, Wires, and Ornaments!
We’ve all seen the pictures and heard the horror stories about trees and garlands! Trees were meant to be climbed, right? I even thought so; or I used to! Most cats are going to be curious, regardless. Therefore, make sure the tree is secure; though you hopefully don’t need to hang it from the ceiling! However, do what you have to do to secure it, in case some little rascal climbs it! Garlands require the same attention. Anything that resembles parts of a tree is fair game, if you’re a cat!
Ahh, those beautiful strings of lights! Some cats like to chew on cords and wires. Not good. Wires that are wrapped around branches are especially difficult to protect but you can try rubbing a smelly soap on them. Moreover, there are sprays that are made to keep cats from chewing but everything boils down to the fact that cats usually do what they want to do! Closing doors, if possible, is the best solution. Sudden noise might work to deter them but don’t use water; we don’t want cats being afraid of water. It used to be the “go-to” answer but many cats don’t pay attention to water anyway. Distraction is useful too.
Christmas ornaments are always a concern. You can put heirloom ornaments and breakable ornaments in a safe location. Use tough ornaments towards the bottom of the tree where the cats can’t do much damage.
Candles – NOPE
Fake candles are fine and so convenient. I don’t recommend real candles, even if you’re able to watch them constantly! First of all, who wants to watch candles burn when there’s a party going on?? It’s right up there with watching paint dry! Secondly, we never know when we will get called away. Therefore, save the real candles for a Birthday cake. Remember that cats are curious about everything! Especially with things that are suddenly out in the home.
Cats and Holidays! Keep Calm!
With all that said, I certainly didn’t start out to mess up your holidays with all these cautionary details. However, all you need to do is plan ahead and keep calm! You know your cats better than anyone so you know what applies to them. You can all have a great time. And don’t forget those presents for your cats! If you want some ideas, see my page, The Essential Cat Lady’s Favorite Things – HERE
Cats and Holiday Company!
When you are expecting company, be sure your cats have a cozy and safe place to get away from it all. Make sure they can hide, if they are into that. They need access to food and water and the litter box.
Even if your cats don’t tend to hide, they might want to get away from the commotion. (By the end of the day, you might want to hide with them!) Make sure they don’t get bothered by strangers, especially. Moreover, this is a good plan if the door is getting opened and closed a lot. Eliminate any chance of them getting out! If you know ahead of time that your cats will be nervous, there are several calming products I use on my own cats and my cat-sitting client’s cats. One is Nature’s Miracle Calming Spray; it contains herbs, flowers and essential oils. I’ve sprayed our boxes with it when we were getting ready to move; cats hate that kind of change! The other product is Feliway Comfort Zone; it comes as a diffuser or spray form. It contains feline pheremones.
Incidentally, cats deposit pheremones when they rub their faces on things. It’s a type of marking territory. I use the spray at home if someone appears nervous and I always carry it with me when cat-sitting. If my client is gone several weeks, it works wonders. You can find both at pet stores but they are less expensive online. A “DO NOT DISTURB” sign on the door where the cats are hanging out, is a good idea. Just don’t take any chances.
New Years Eve-Special Problems!
New Years Eve brings its own plethora of trouble! More animals escape and run away that night and the Fourth of July than any other time. Most never get home! Prepare to keep all your pets away from doors to the outside. Secure them where they will have some peace and quiet. Soft music or talk radio can help muffle outside noises. By the way, the products I mentioned earlier are also available for dogs.
Cats and Holidays What If . . . .?
In conclusion, I hope you don’t need this information! Cats and dogs can easily find candy and things they shouldn’t have. They are faster than the speed of light! Although we love them, they can be sneaky little devils! Therefore, here is the link to ASPCA POISON HOTLINE
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